Wartune Eudaemon Awakening

Description: Wartune DolyGames.com Commentary + Gameplay / Let's Play/ Walkthrough / Playthrough. 'Wartune Character Upgrades - Sub-Eudaemon Awakening + Tyre to Thor Refinement'. This dungeon is a lot smarter than other dungeons and requires smart playing as well as a very high BR party (400k+ BR before Eudaemon or 550k+ BR after Eudaemon). Boss 1: Water Spirits: Symbiosis: Cylon and Anze These 2 bosses will fight you at the same time, so for the first time we will have battles vs. 2 bosses at once. Players can click a Eudaemon image in the Eudaemon Diagram panel to check its inherit percentage and skills when the Eudaemon maxes out at level. (See 4 in the image below) (3) Eudaemon Awakening 1. Awakening: Once a Eudaemon is awakened, it can be set as a sub Eudaemon and join battles.

Awakening Eudaemons consumes Eudaemon Soul Stone which can be obtained from Eudaemon Patrol.

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[New][Wartune 6.1] Eudaemon Diagram


I [Prologue]
The number of Eudaemons keeps increasing which may make it harder to look for a specific Eudaemon. Therefore, a new Eudaemon panel has been created! The new panel will not only display Eudaemon quantity but will classify them. Plus, more features such as Eudaemon Diagram, Conversion and Awakening have been added. You can also use materials to summon Eudaemons when troops meet the required conditions!

II [Eudaemon List]

(1) Eudaemon Classification
Eudaemons of the same type will be classified under the same category. When players view a Eudaemon's info, a panel will slide down to show all of this type of Eudaemons' info. Eudaemons will be displayed from higher to lower level. See image below:

(2) Eudaemon Display
One page can display several types of Eudaemons. Eudaemons are ordered according to Eudaemon growth (from high to low). When two Eudaemon types have the same growth, Eudaemons will be displayed according to debut time (from later to earlier). See image below:

Wartune eudaemon awakening walkthrough

III [Eudaemon Diagram]

There are 3 main features in the Eudaemon Diagram.

(1) Summon Eudaemon
Players can summon Eudaemons when they collect required Eudaemon materials and their Eudaemon's growth reaches the required level. Eudaemon materials can be obtained in Eudaemon Patrol. The system will show requirements when players click the [Summon] button. See image below.

(2) Eudaemon Growth
1. Eudaemon Growth: Eudaemons of each type have independent growth. Eudaemon growth depends on the highest level Eudaemon of that type. Every time the highest level Eudaemon of a certain type advances one level, growth of that Eudaemon type increases by 100.
2. Eudaemon Growth Total = the growth sum of all of a certain type of Eudaemon (Each Eudaemon's growth can be seen in the panel). [See 1 in the image below]
3. Increasing Growth level will grant Eudaemons positive effects during battle. [See 2 in the image below]
4. Players may need to upgrade Eudaemon growth to a certain level before summoning specific Eudaemons. [See 3 the in image below]
5. Players can click a Eudaemon image in the Eudaemon Diagram panel to check its inherit percentage and skills when the Eudaemon maxes out at level. (See 4 in the image below)

Wartune Eudaemon Awakening Dungeon

(3) Eudaemon Awakening
1. Awakening:
Once a Eudaemon is awakened, it can be set as a sub Eudaemon and join battles. (For more info about sub Eudaemon, please check [V. Sub Eudaemon] below.)
Improving Eudaemon soul power will increase the percentage of attributes the sub Eudaemon obtains during battle. See image below for details.
2. Awakening Condition:
Specific troop specialties should reach a certain level (there may be different troop requirements for different Eudaemons. When clicking [Awaken], players can see the required conditions for awakening a Eudaemon. (Red text in image below.)
Awakening Eudaemons consumes Eudaemon Soul Stone which can be obtained from Eudaemon Patrol.

IV. [Eudaemon Conversion]
1. Eudaemon Conversion provides a fast way to exchange overall attributes between two Eudaemons. Skill level, equipment level, Diamond, refine level, War Emblem level, RES Reduction, Resistance and Eudaemon level can all be exchanged between two Eudaemons. Players will need to spend Balens when converting.
See image below for entry:

2. Convert two Eudaemons that need to exchange attributes:

V. [Sub Eudaemon]
1) When the Eudaemon is set as a sub, troops in battle will be replaced by the sub Eudaemon when it is sent into battle.
2) To differentiate main Eudaemon from sub Eudaemon, sub Eudaemons will be displayed in grey. (See image below)
3) Sub Eudaemons can cast active skills, but cannot cast general and Delphic skills. Thus, there is no shortcut for sub Eudaemons to use Delphic skills during battle.
4) Sub Eudaemons may take Sylphs with them, but the sub Eudaemon's BR and its Sylph's BR will not count towards the player's total BR.

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