Loboleo Female Werewolf

BETA-COLLIE - An Alpha Luna Story by Loboleo
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Well this is the cover for a comic that I started as a goal for Patreons only that is now finally available for purchase. It's basically an alternative story line within my Alpha Luna comic where 'Collie' goes trough a werewolf transformation of her own. Yup, it's fan-service for all intents and purposes, that said there is no sexual content here. Just some nudes proper of the context that can be considered sexy in its own right. I just hope you like this cover. But if you're interested in...

Well, it is the first time Melinda see herself as a werewolf. Maybe you're confused because the author decided to rename the whole saga by the sequel's name. What in the past was 'The Woods' now is 'The Lycanthrope Cub Book 1'. Contains: Explicit Sexual Scene, Werewolf TF's Male & Female. Free Preview: 1-2-3-4. BECOMING WOLVES- Coming Soon (2012) (MATURE CONTENT) Something strange is happening within Aiden, while trying to get help from his Friend Gary the full-moon rises. CLICK FOR PREVIEW.

'SPECIAL BONDS' COMIC- Man to Wolf (2015)

Story by Timid Tabby, a Young guy transfixed by his lupine changes is watched by his cat pet as he succumbs to his complete transformation.

'Freedom Wolf' Unfinished COMIC- Man to Wolf - 2015 (MATURE CONTENT)

A unifinished comic that was basically a remake of the 'Wolfhood' fan-arts I did that you can check out much below . Tabby did rewrite an named the chapter 'Freedom' and it expand on his first transformation si I did this. Sorry it's only 3 pages.

'HOWL: A werewolf story' TF Sequence - Illustrated Image - 2015 (MATURE CONTENT)
Image 05Image 15

This is a series of Illustrated Images based on a excerpt of a Story written by Timid Tabby. It's basically a sequence where a man goes through his first change at his work within the men's bathroom while in his mind he awaits to find his wolf girlfriend.

Image 06Image 16
Image 17
Image 18
Image 09Image 19


'In a quiet mountain wilderness, a young man arrives at a secluded cabin with his girlfriend Tala. As the full moon crests the horizon, a feeling rises in Alex' s chest. Something wild is happening…'

A 21 pages comic, Black & White (Gray Shaded) . Contains: Explicit Sexual Scene, Werewolf TF's Male & Female.

Free Preview: 1-2-3-4


Something strange is happening within Aiden, while trying to get help from his Friend Gary the full-moon rises.

Info (Updated) : It: Started as a fun test while doing Fan-Art for a story I found Online 'Wolf Hood' by Timid Tabby. While doing the drawings I stared to play with 'What if' scenarios of a few you can see below, and Tabby was pretty ok with it :) Before I noticed I was making a lot of pages so decided to make a whole newcomic out of it only be released at my Patreon with 2 new pages each month. But most certainly I'll upload the comic here for purchase probably during/ after July 2016. The Name 'Wolfhood' was changed to not be confused with other art that I have done about it and also because I'm planning future chapters that will deal with his story in a different wat. Stay tuned.

'Wolf Hood' Fan-Art and Small Comic.

The Comic pages follow a 'What if Scenario' if the transformation would've continued from the 'Fan-art 01' .

'Wolf Guy' Sequence

While this Sequence does not have dialogue, it may be edited in the future to fit another comic I'm working on. That's why it's listed here udner Comics with a generic name 'Wolf Guy' . In the mean time you can enjoy it as how it's right now.

CANDICE THE CEARAPHYN (2010) - Girl to to Canine Monster aka 'Cearaphyn'.

Comic Commission by Cearenbow & SephZero, a young grl farmer gets infected by a monster and then she starts to become the very thing that attacked her. 8 Pages, inked.

Cover AD- Page 1 - Page 2 - Page 3 - Page 4 - Page 5 - Page 6 - Page 7 - Page 8 - Page 8 w/o Text - Character Design


Emil Wolves (Sketch work only) (2010)

I particulary did this work for a friend who comissioned me a small comic which will be published here in my country. So these sketches will be the only thing available here just to have a peek on it. So don't expect me to translate the dialogues since these pagues are just in a half-way process.




The Follow Up To 'The Gift', this time around is not a comission but a fun thing I decided to do. In Rina's Night, now aware of her condition She goes into the wild to explore more abou herself...and then....
This project is now part of the exclusive Rewards I offer at my Patreon Page, each month I put 2 new pages.


A Wild Night (Sketch work) (2009)(M)

Something I was doing for fun. But after I moved to my new place I kind lost the first pages. I'm not sure if I'll pick it up someday. Male transformation.

1-2-3-4-5 -6

Loboleo Female Werewolf Characters

THE GIFT (Finished - 2003) (M)

Rina gets a present in her 18 birthday from her old sister Mai, but it's not just an ornament but a real 'gift' for her new life. Comission by Chaos Wulfen. In despite of beign a comission CW was so kind to let me do anything I wanted with his original idea of 2 girls becoming werewolves. I have to admit they become kinda popular.


Teen Fangs (Finished - 2002) (M)

Started as comic project comic but ended up just like an experiment for what would become in the future my next project (Alpha Luna). The story setup was rather different and at that time I didn't feel truly confident with my own art so I took my time to make it possible. This is just a nice little tf scene in the end.

C-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 + Cambios (related comic) ZIP

Loboleo Female Werewolf Names

Loboleo female werewolf costume

Loboleo Female Werewolf Costume

TAMMY'S CHANGE (Finished - 2002) (M)

A girl is attacked by a wolf at night out in the woods. guess what :P. Old comission by Cearenbow, and probably the first one I madefor the genre.
