How To Get Cheese Fast On Transformice

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On transformice you can go to a prophunt and bring along some friends. Then when your sham kill yourself and all the other mice get cheese! Racing is a easy solution too for getting cheese fast. It is possible to obtain cheese via promotions (such as the '/facebook' chat command or confirming your e-mail in game), but this is only for shop cheese—it does not increase the 'Cheese Gathered' stat on your profile. The cheese's size can be increased by allocating skill points into the appropriately named Big Cheese skill.

Steam achievements

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select 'Community', 'My profile', 'View all my games', then the game and view stats.

    Accomplished Shaman: Save 100 mice as a Shaman.
    Activist Mouse: Get 300 cheese.
    Adorable Mouse: Buy 2 hats in the shop.
    Agile Mouse: Bring back the cheese first 10 times.
    Chubby Mouse: Get 1000 cheese.
    Fast Mouse: Bring back the cheese first once.
    Frivolous Mouse: Buy 10 hats in the shop.
    Here! Cheese!: Get 1 cheese.
    Immortal Shaman: Save 10 000 mice as a Shaman.
    It's Over 9000!: Get 9001 cheese.
    Pirate Mouse: Bring back the cheese first 100 times.
    Sexy: Buy 20 hats in the shop.
    Shaman Master: Save 2000 mice as a Shaman.
    Stalker: Bring back the cheese first 500 times.

As you play Transformice, you will earn experience by gathering the cheese and saving the mice. More experience means higher level and higher level means more skill points. When you get to the higher level, it gives you one skill point. Skill tree allows you to spend those skill points in order to earn skills and be a better shaman.

There are five areas of skills you can train yourself in.

  • Spiritual Guide
  • Wind Master
  • Mechanician
  • Wilding
  • Physicist

How To Get Cheese Fast On Transformice

The skill tree is divided into six horizontal tiers. To unlock each tier, you must spend five skill points in the tiers above. For example, to unlock 3rd tier, you must spend a total of 10 skill points in the first two tiers; irrespective of how much you spend in first and second tier. It will unlock 3rd tier of all skill areas. Each Transformice skill can have up to 5 levels. Spending 1 skill point on a skill will increase the skill level by one.

Spiritual Guide

Spiritual Guide focuses on skills that are used to save mice and guide them to cheese and mouse hole. This area includes skills that increase time, make the cheese bigger, increase shaman size, revive mice, increase mice speed and summon clouds.

Wind Master Guide

Wind Master guide includes skills that help Transformice shaman in moving easily across the map. Skills in this guide can:

  • Increase Shaman’s speed
  • Increase Shaman’s friction
  • Decrease Shaman’s mass
  • Enable Shaman to enter the mouse hole automatically after the last mouse
  • Ducking for some time will propel you upwards
  • Summon planks
  • Teleport to the aimed position

Mechanical Guide

How To Get Cheese Fast In Transformice

Mechanician is the field where the true ability of a Transformice player shines. This guide enables shaman to build better, stronger structures.

Skills in Mechanician Guide can:

  • Increase the size of spirits
  • Summon balls
  • Increase weight of cannonball and anvil
  • Increase balloon speeds
  • Summon high friction chocolate planks
  • Delete summoned objects
  • Change transparency of summoned objects
  • Increase summoning range

Wilding Transformice Guide

Wilding focuses on skills which enhance mice and objects. It increases the summoning speeds and lets you get the work done in far less time.

Some of the skills are:

  • Increase summoning speed and decrease summoning range
  • Reduce Shaman’s size
  • Summon spider web to catch falling mice
  • Remove all summoned objects
  • Increase jump power of mice

Physicist Guide

Physicist makes you ruthless, strong and dry. These are the skills that truly make you savor the perks of being a Transformice Shaman.

Skills in Physicist guide allow you to:

  • When you get angry, mice around you start crying
  • Recycle nails
  • Make objects anti gravity
  • No more soulmates
  • Freeze mice around you
  • Disable gravity completely
  • Apply a booster
  • Summon a really big plank
  • Mouse leave a bouncy objects after dying

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