Caligula Death Scene

  1. Caligula Death Scenes
  2. Caligula Wall Of Death Scene
  3. Caligula's Father

Caligula screams for his sister Drusilla as he is stabbed to death by his Praetorian guard. After wrecking havoc in Germany, Caligula ventured to the coast of Gaul from where he was meant to carry out an invasion of Britain but forgot to gather enough legions for an attack so instead ordered his troops to launch arrows at and flog the sea as well as to collect thousands of seashells from the. There is a scene that a naked woman was tied up with her legs wide open on a open stage, who is giving birth for all the audience to see. And the naked woman is the wife of Caligula, the supposed queen, but Caligula put her on stage as a show. But the scene that I found most amazing in the head chopping machine. Caligula movie is tame even with all the xxx scenes added in real life the emperor was worse. The movie is just a snap shot of life then. Get the movie WITH SCENES in right order this time with nothing taken out and with the added xxx parts Bob put in. In the uncut version there are a lot of hardcore sex scenes inserted. During the orgy scene there are a few shots of oral sex (both gay and straight), and a few lesbian sex scenes. Some may find Caligula's death upsetting. The Parents Guide. During a sex scene, our mystery lady uses her scissors for what I think we can all agree is an off-label use. Though this movie isn't scifi, it's moody and bizarre enough to qualify as magic.

Caligula (1979) is a biographical film about the rise and fall of the Roman Emperor Caligula. This film, which is still banned from Canada and Iceland, shocked the world with its explicit portrayal of the emperor’s cruel and salacious escapades.This film is filled with nudity, sex, kink, incest, drag, bestiality, prostitution and murder. The movie tells the tale of Caligula’s grandfather, Emperor Tiberius, a mad man who suffers incurable venereal diseases. Tiberius enjoys swimming with naked youths and watching degrading sex shows that often include children and deformed people. Caligula observes his grandfather’s sadism with fascination and horror. After Tiberius’s death Caligula becomes enraged with power and starts adapting his grandfather’s twisted ways. Throughout the film there are scenes that involve Caligula having sex with his sister and younger step brother, orgies, and homosexual sex. The film depicts this as a norm for this empire. The people of the palace are free to walk around and work while naked. There are oral sex acts performed in hallways throughout the castle and orgies formed on command by the emperor. The movie ends by three senators of the Roman senate leading the assassination of Caligula, his wife and newborn daughter on the steps of the palace, leaving their bodies in front of the palace for the citizens to mock.

One significant scene in this movie involves Caligula crashing a wedding of his most beloved soldier. He forces the newlywed couple into the palace’s kitchen and forces the bride to get naked on the kitchen table on all fours while Caligula rapes her in front of her husband. The wife was a virgin which made Caligula enjoy the rape even more as he uses his fingers to wipe the blood from the woman’s inner thighs and smiles with pride and pleasure. Caligula demands the husband as well to get on the kitchen table on his fours and rapes him while the woman cries in a puddle of blood from her vagina.

Another scene in this film showed Caligula’s pleasure for murder. In his palace there is a machine called the Wall of Death. It is a moving wall with spinning blades on the bottom. The people being executed stick their heads through a hole on the ground and get beheaded by the moving blades. Caligula is shown to be throwing food at the prisoners. In the video, though with no sound, Caligula comments, “If only Rome had but one neck..”. This scene shows how powerful and evil he really is.

Caligula Death Scenes

Caligula Death Scene

Caligula Wall Of Death Scene

Caligula’s adventurous sex and murder acts reminds me to Georges Bataille’s “Story of the Eye”. First I noticed looking at the movie’s poster of a coin with Caligula’s face with blood coming from his eyes, I automatically paired that up with the eyes being a symbol in Bataille’s book. After watching the movie I believe the poster’s symbolism of the blood dripping from the eyes being Caligula’s evil and deadly vision of Rome. The book “Story of the Eye”, however, mentions the gouging of eyes and using them for sexual pleasure. But these two stories are not very far from each other. Throughout the film Caligula takes sexual pleasure from humiliating, raping and having absolute power. This lies a similarity with Simone and the Englishman. They traveled seeking pleasure by participating in outrageous sex acts, raping, humiliating and gaining power over people. The rape scene of the newlywed couple in Caligula was similar to the rape scene in Bataille’s story in the church in Spain. Even though the difference in these scenes are that Simone seduced the priest and Caligula ordered the soldier and bride be fornicated both scenes have a religious intertwining with them. Marriage is a very religious and sacred sacrament to the Catholic church, especially the wedding night where the woman is supposed to lose her virginity to her husband. Caligula proved his power as a “god” by destroying that sacrament and taking away the virginity of the bride from the husband. Simone also destroyed that sanctity of the church and the sacrament of reconciliation by seducing the priest in the confessional and then murdering him in the church and using the priest’s eye as a sexual object. Simone, the Englishman and Caligula all showed power by degrading the most powerful thing of all, religion, as if saying that the fear of God or a higher being can not even stop them from doing what they want. Both stories portray that sex and power go hand in hand.

Caligula's Father

Unrated-Version (Imperial Edition)


The Last House On The Left

Flash Gordon

Star Trek: Picard - Season One



  • Alternate Version
  • Unrated
Release: Oct 03, 2009 - Author: Peda - Translator: Matar - external link: IMDB
The Imperial Edition, which has been released in America and the UK in 2008 was awaited by various fans in pleasant anticipation. Not only because of the official uncut version, as well for the included Alternate Version. There were a lot of hopes this alternative version would contain material from the legendary ‘Cannes Cut’ and would correct some cutting mistakes from the unrated version which lacks continuity.
Let’s have a look at the details the alternate version does not contain. It has definitely nothing in common with the ‘Cannes Cut’ (allegedly 210 minutes). On the contrary, its running time is with its 153 minutes even shorter than the uncut version (156 minutes). It is also not a new version of the movie and contains more or less the known unrated version. The reason why this alternate version is that important for true fans is shown in the detail.
As we know the uncut version starts with a scene in the forest. The AE shows this scene in its actual context.
In addition, every hardcore material which has been inserted by Bob Guccione is missing and now the audience can see the softcore material by Tinto Brass. Because of this editing the ‘Imperial Bordello’ sequence seems to be completely different and the lesbian sequence of the two Penthouse girls is missing.
These changes are the most obvious ones and it is quite strange that there is not much more of additional material available in the AE. Considering the bonus material shows the reason: Most of the scenes are in a horrible condition, often just workprint quality or worse, often just from one camera angle, sometimes black and white or without sound but with massive damages.
So what is he deal with this AE? It is a fictive cut of the movie where Guccione and his cutters had ended their incompetence and decided that the movie has to have lot more of hardcore sexual intercourses. This means the catastrophic cut also influenced the AE massively. If someone didn’t notice yet, Gucciones cutting contained various test-takes and weird camera angles as well as many scenes which have been set to wrong positions.
Scenes which have been positioned in a wrong way. :
When Caligula meets Marco and the doctor of Tiberius, a lot of torture and punishing scenes were cut in between. These scenes actually belong to the sequence where Caligula is welcomed by Nerva in the mansion of Tiberius on Capri. There Caligula disappears behind a curtain and hears some noise of the torture.
The scene where Caligula awakes from a nightmare and is calmed down by Drusilla is the actual initial scene of the movie (as it is in the AE). The uncut uses this sequence right after Tiberius’ grotto which doesn’t make any sense because Drusilla didn’t come to Capri.
Right before the birth of Caligula’s daughter one can see him playing with a rat and a black bird cages itself in a curtain. This scene is actually seen after the birth because one can see Caesonia and her child right beside him.

Cut scenes:
The scene with the killing machine the uncut version fades away after Caligula whispers something into Longinus ear and both start to laugh like maniacs. The Italian re-cut ‘IO, Caligola’ shows why they are laughing: Caligula ordered that Proculus has to be pushed in front of the killing machine. As this happens Proculus tries to survive, overpowers a guardian and climbs up to the killing machine. Caligula honours him right away as a Roman hero. This shows the following scene of the raping in the kitchen in a completely different light.

After Caligula had to subscribe some laws he disappears in the uncut and just a comment can be heard that he will have some ‚fun’ with Proculus. It is missing how he climbs up some furniture and is talking to Longinus. He ponders about conquests and wars and orders food deliveries for the preparation of the sea fight.

Scenes which have been generated while cutting:
While Caligula is in his bed because of severe illness, Caesonia walks onto the terrace and observes some noblemen who are planning the time after Caligula’s death. The dialog has been re-made and can be heard off-screen.
The dialog between the men who wash themselves in the red mud has been re-made which can be seen at the different lip-movement.
Missing scenes:
Caligula replaces the heads of various statues with his own image.

Caligula destroys those heads later with a hammer and starts crying afterwards,

Caesonia gives a massage to Caligula after he was elected to a god by the senate.

Caligula smashes the head of a priest of Jupiter and claims to have spoken to Jupiter. Afterwards he robs the treasure hold of the temple.

For his war costs Caligula collects donations and takes a bath in his money.

Caligula elects his horse to a consul.

These facts are just little excerpts, there are lots of other scenes which are missing in the uncut version. Some sources claim that the kitchen scene was also more graphical and more brutal. It is conspicuous that a lot of scenes from the last third of the movie are missing where Caligula’s antics gone wilder.
The AE is a small step to a completely restaurated version of this legendary movie, but still lacks new aspects. Caligula maniacs are more likely in love with this AE while the uncut version with its hardcore scenes seems to be for newcomers. Especially the bordello scene is much more boring in the AE.
So this is he comparison of the Alternative Version and the Uncut Version, both are included in the Imperial Edition by Arrow Films.
Runtime Uncut: 2:35:58
Runtime AE: 2:32:58

The uncut version offers more material in 15 scenes which has been extended or replaced, furthermore there are 20 contextual differences. All time notes are based on the uncut version. As it is not described differently the pictures from the AE are on the left side and those pictures from the uncut version are on the right hand side.
After showing the text boards the uncut versions provides the viewer with the scene in the woods. Caligula and Drusilla are running around and keep cuddling with each other. This scene doesn’t have any context to the actual beginning of the movie: Caligula doesn’t wear a beard! Directly after this scene he has got a beard which is only cut off when Nerva dies.
Uncut 154 Sec. longer, pictures from the uncut version

When the intro fades away one can see Caligula who awakes from a nightmare. He says that Tiberius wants to kill him. His sister Drusilla tries to calm him down and tells him he is the only heritage of Tiberius. Caligula gets out in panic and Drusilla laughs at him. Caligula calms down and jumps back on his bed. Here the uncut starts. The beginning of this scene comes pretty much later in a completely illogical sequence.
AE 108 Sec. longer, pictures from AE

While the uncut version shows a masturbating man, the AE shows a woman who is leading a goat to her pubic area.
No time difference.

Here the uncut version shows a HC scene of a couple in cowgirl position (no pictures) and right after a SC shot with fellatio. The AE shows a woman who tries to do “something” with a swan.
No time difference.

The uncut version shows a scene which has been shown in the AE at 05:29 – Caligulas nightmare and the black bird. While on Capri this scene does not make any sense.
Uncut 108 Sec. longer

When Caligula finds both spiest he AE lacks another HC shot.
Uncut 4 Sec. longer, pictures from the uncut version

The first close-up of the masturbating love slaves has been shortened in the AE so one can not see the right guy ejaculating (no pictures).
Uncut 0,5 Sec. longer
A shot where the love slaves collect her semen in a bowl is missing in the AE (no pictures).
Uncut 4 Sec. longer
When Caligula discharges Ennia with her bed the uncut fades to the royal terrace. This fading is missing in the AE and one can not hear how Ennia is screaming for Caligula. The AE shows the forrest sequence which has been shown at the beginning of the uncut version. Beside several shots of Caligula and Drusilla one can also see the penthouse pets who find the sleeping shepherd and try to get close to his penis.
The whole scene is very beautiful and just makes any sense in this context. Tiberius is dead, Marco has been replaced by harmless Caerea, Caligula and Drusilla don’t have to keep their love secret.
AE 203 Sec. longer, pictures from the AE

The uncut version shows several shots of the penthouse pets who are touching each other. The AE shows a top-down shot of the whole pool.
No time difference.

While Drusilla and Caesonia care Caligula the A lacks a zoom on the hole in the wall where two pets are watching the scenery.
Uncut 10 Sec. longer, pictures from the Uncut

Again the AE lacks another shot of the pets.
Uncut 3 Sec. longer, pictures from the Uncut

Shortly after Caligulas kisses Ceasonia the uncut version shows the pets again.
Uncut 6 Sec. longer, pictures from the Uncut

Caesonia and Drusilla are kissing each other. Just the uncut version shows the next sequence with the pets.
Uncut 34 Sec. longer

Here the AE is cut in a strange way. There is a jump-cut while Caligula lays his arm on Drusillas back.
Uncut 2 Sec. longer

Again only the uncut versions shows the scene between the lesbians.
Uncut 13 Sec. longer

The AE lacks a shot of Caligula, Caesonia and Drusilla. The next part of the lesbians is also missing.
Uncut 32 Sec. longer

The uncut version lacks a scene where Caligula strokes Drusillas bottom.
AE 8 Sec. longer, picture from AE

The next part of the leasbian scene can only be seen in the uncut version.
Uncut 35 Sec. longer, pictures from the Uncut

The uncut shows a scene which was missing at 1:22:13. Afterwards the great final of the pets can be seen.
Uncut 114 Sec. longer, pictures from the Uncut

The first HC shot from the „Imperial Bordello“ scene (fellatio between two men) was replaced with a shot of swinging women.
No time difference.

The first shot of a female love slave which tries to overpower a dwarf is still available in the AE. The uncut shows afterwards how the woman starts to please the dwarf with her mouth. The AE replaces this scene with more swinging women.
No time difference.

The uncut shows a zoom of the blowjob. The AE shows several shots of the orgy where the pets can be seen longer.
No time difference. Pictures from the AE

Again a replacement of the blowjob with softer material.
No time difference. Pictures from the AE

Again HC elements were replaced with SC material – this time a whole scene.
No time difference.

And again the AE replaces HC with SC.
No time difference.

The uncut shows a couple while having a good time, the AE shows guests.
No time difference. Picture from the AE

While the uncut version shows the couple in a reverse cowgirl position, the AE shows more guests.
No time difference.

The blowjob shots from the uncut have been replaced with more swinging women.
No time difference.

When the soldiers start to march around the ship the uncut version has several scenes of blowjobs in between. The AE replaces these elements with the soldiers from a different angle.
No time difference.

Identical to the former shot.
No time difference. Bild nur aus AE

Again an identically change.
No time difference. Picture from the AE

The blowjob has been replaced with a camera panning of the ship.
No time difference. Bild nur aus AE

No time difference. Bild aus AE

Again a blowjob has been replaced with swinging girls.
No time difference.

No time difference.

The final of the blowjob, a second girl watches the scenery in a pleased manner. The AE shows again more swinging women. It seems that the imperial bordello scene lacks a second soundtrack so the AE also uses the uncut soundtrack.
No time difference.

The riders can be seen a it earlier in the uncut version.
Uncut 1,5 Sec. longer, picture from the Uncut